
Therapeutic Center

¿What do we offer?

The therapeutic center was formed 5 years ago, in the city of Centenario, for children, adolescents and adults with or without disabilities.

We are a team of health professionals covering various specialties, in order to help our patients with all the necessary therapies.

Our professionals

Speech Therapists

To get more information or schedule a shift contact whatsapp or by calling the contact phone.

Different Areas

Occupational Therapists

To get more information or schedule a shift contact whatsapp or by calling the contact phone.

kinesio posta

Total development coverage

Music Therapists
Early Stimulation

To get more information or schedule a shift contact whatsapp or by calling the contact phone.

Make an Appoinment

You can contact us through our whatsapp or by contacting the foundation through the telephone number found on our contact page.


Choose the area.

Find the professional you are looking for to carry out the corresponding consultation or treatment.


Contact us.

Communicate with the Foundation to be able to correctly coordinate and schedule the shift.


Attend the medical appointment.

Then attend the meeting agreed with the professional, in case of not being able to attend, always notify in advance.
